Saturday, May 29, 2010

Time flew like a dove

How time flies, can't believe its been like 11 days since I last wrote, but I figured out better update now. Lots of things happened, the most important of which was dat I actually found out that I won in the coaching category of the POSB champs award. And, yeah made the decision to fly back early, so will be back in 9 days time! I figured that it would be a once in a lifetime kinda opportunity, so managed to move my exams earlier to be able to fly back. Honestly though I never expected to win or anything, I kinda shoved it under the carpet when I found out i was nominated and after sending the supporting documents as well.

Other than dat just been busy packing and studying of cos, next week is gonna be a tough week, exams on tuesday, friday and the monday will be rough, gotta take an exam at 5 and be on the plane by 935 the same night, arriving in the country the next morning. Which reminds me I have to print out my e-ticket!

I think I'll stop here for now, Colby s in Sydney right now, so the house is quiet, just the way I like it, realli hope to have my own place soon soon, cos I like the quietness that being alone brings, although having someone to share it with wouldn't be too bad as well.

The weather is cold now btw! But yeah I am looking forward to going for my second last training tomorrow, but going to school first to study.

Missing all,


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