Thursday, October 26, 2006

Random ramblings

The past few days have been spent trying to persuade Mr Tan to chnage his mind on certain things. Some efforts paid off while some efforts didnt, sometimes I dont even know why I even bother when its obvious I am stepping out of line at times.

The other day I was thinking to myself if I should continue, since I was not able to run things as much as I wanted to, but then I realised that going elsewhere would not realli be any different BECAUSE there will always be someone else out there who will have greater control over you, so you gotta learn to run things with them and at the same time try and exert your own influence as much as you can. With the new P coming in and all, I'm realli unsure as to the future direction and involvement of myself in VJ. Part of me is hesitant, but mostly I'm happy that at least I can try my best to see how far I can take the CCA and the sport. We shall see I guess.

Training has been super disrupted because of the PW, indieventure week, everything lar, I realli absolutely hate it when I see so little people for training, and when ppl leave early and arrive late, it has always been a pet peeve of mine, which I think can realli disrupt the training program. But I know at the same time that its not realli in the players' hands (well at least most of the time) whether they have to leave training or not. So on that part despite all the freakin headaches I get when I deal with each of them, I noe collectively, I cannot get a more disciplined and committed bunch of people. So for dat im grateful.

The only thing is, sometimes I just feel that with such a long road ahead, I may be the only one willing to walk it till the end.

Hopefully its not so.



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