Tuesday, March 21, 2006


One day before the freakin deadline and the FAS is realli cutting it close, too close for comfort, so much so that I have a feeling they might not release the fixtures as promised. Typical.

Anyways, I guess the anxiety is realli getting to me, to see who we will be playing and when. Of course the all important question concerning the year twos will also be answered, hopefully in a more positive manner.

Nonetheless I must say currently out of the batch of seniors, only 4, in my book deserve to make it into the team based on their commitment level, and these are the 4 i will feel truly sorry for should the unfortunate event of the competition being too late occurs. Can't realli say much for the rest, well not realli I can say tons, but knowing the viewership of his blog, I will choose to reserve it.

Lets just get thru tomorrow first.



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