Sunday, December 23, 2007


Hey all,

Im finally back, been a busy few days, and I have yet to do a lot of school work, which I feel must be done as soon as possible. I plan to start tomorrow. PROMISE.

Other than that, OFI coure was a blast!!! I dreaded it so much, but in the end more than just the physical thing I gathered two things:

1) People can change - Seeing FI Gus now is realli a complete 180 degree turn, we were so scared when we heard he was our FI, no thanx to his rep in the past, but he really touched my heart with his sincerity and care for all of us, even though we were taking up his leave and all, realli respect man, he kept saying he was a changed man, and I realli believe him now.
2) NSmen can bond - Though all of us were from different divisions, it was realli easy for all of us to talk and to bond together, I actually kinda miss the guys already now, and I thought that everybody realli gave it our all, no fighting, no bickering, just realli supporting each other through the whole thing. Nobody discriminted against each other, JOs or SOs, and it was a thoroughly enjoyable experience.

Other than that yesterday was the match against RP, and it was a good experience for the girls, it was good to see all the sec 4s get a run out, and Joan even scored. Most imptly it was good to see simles on their faces. Its been a tough holiday period, and things are gonna get harder, but I have no doubt in my mind that we can pull through as long as we stay together. Nat had an unfortunate incident with her shoulder, which of course yours truly is very familiar with, but thank God she is alright. She still wanted to continue playing, respect, although I told her she should rest, I know I wuld have laid on the field myself and make them drag me out as well, if I was in her position. LOL. I wrote myself some personal goals, and though I reached some, I still am way off some of them and I will need to work harder in order to reach them soon.

Besides that today went marketing with my mom, haha, I kept asking her about everything, in preparation for what is to come next time. It was quite fun actually, and a good learning experience, although I realised that people nowadays never realli bargain, whereas I remember my grandma bargaining her ass off at every stall in the past. The market near my place is also much cleaner as well.

Well, I guess thats all, I hope to get started with my 3 term papers due in a months time, next week, as well as start exercising again very soon, Ive been realli tired since the course. Also, school is gonna start soon and of cos im damn excited to meet up with the class and lecturers again.

Wishing eveyrbody a good holiday and new year.



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