Who will pick me up?
I think that one of the most important things in sport is to have self belief. I think that as long as you have self belief, not much can hurt you,a nd you will keep at something until you succeed. Looking back and looking at things now, I realise that a lot of things can go wrong, a lot of mistakes can be made, but I think that its all part and parcel of a bigger plan. Unfortunately, I think our society turns us into people who are too cynical and give up too easily. We are so soft, and we quit when things go wrong. In all our ignorance, we do not realise that there are people who have lives so much worse than ours, yet have never thought of quitting. For example, when a training goes wrong, when u cannot seem to get something, you feel helpless and all, but we take so many things for granted. Think of a person who gets up every morning, drags himself to his wheelchair, wheels himself out to the corridor and thanks God that he is able to enjoy just one more day on earth, fully knowing that he will never get to walk ever again.It is cos of people like these, people's whose lives are so much worse off than ours, yet walk through life with a smile on their faces and hope in their hearts. Its cos of people like these, of whom we may never see but fully know exist, that we must not ever give up. Because, if we do, all their efforts and resilience and perseverance is for nothing.
So well, my msg is this, we should not give up on ourselves. Never in a thousand years. Cos the only person who can pick you up properly. Is YOU.
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