Testimonial Match
I thought yesterday was a good day, I had fun, and sorry Nat, but you tackled me as many times as well so I declare it a draw! I thought yesterday was good, the food was nice, company was nice and everything was ok. Of course there were the various points where I was feeling a bit down, but I think I have changed now, and the past few months have realli put things into perspective, it has made me look at people differently and I realli now know who is in it for wat it is.I thought the spontaneous act of singing the school song was realli great, kudos juniors, and I was very tickled by Nat's end of speech gesture, I tell you she is realli a mon. Kuan Ren too, though I feel guilty for forgetting to properly remind her, but I feel that her speech was perfect because it was sincere, Im realli proud of you. Thanx also to 19. All or nothing. You did good.
Other than that, I feel that things are looking up in other aspects of life as well, which I cannot realli talk about here, but well I guess the past few months have given me a new direction and clarity on things, which I am slowly trying to put into my life.
I will stay and fight. And I hope so will you.
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