Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Yesterdae I was just thinking about how the T-man was towards me and the team. as usual I was greeted by some bad news early on in the morning when I heard that rach had to be taken out of the team cos she was late for school. Personally, I do acknowledge that she needs to work on her punctuality. But surely there is a better way, why take her out of the team? Will that solve things? Shouldnt she b instead maybe made to come earlier to school for a week, something like dat? I dunno. And the Tman said that its cos he doesnt give college reps any chance. Ok now dats where the discrepancy lies, when it comes to blue slips, or bus booking or funds, somehow we dont get the same treatment, but when it comes to this, ok college rep. also, why the continued comments? Some are rather uncalled for although I think, and certainly hope he is joking.

Sigh, sometimes I think I am taken for a ride simply because he knows I will not protest or do something stupid, which actually is very true, nothing much I can do actually but bite the bullet. So almost every week is spent fighting small fires throughout, sux if u ask me, but wat can u do. I realise that he has also changed in the sense that he seems to talk up the team rather than not talking about it at all, and his individual players as well, which is kinda unusual, I feel that the last thing one should do is talk up his players, at least not in front of other people, cos then word will spread, and your players will know and take advantage of it.

But but, aiyoh I should stop now, I hate talking behind his back, of all people his, because i truly owe everything to him. Nobody actually knows what or why I seem to owe him dat, but I know why, and I will stay loyal and rust him, just as he does in me. Although the Tman realli makes it hard sometimes, I must never forget that without him I would be much worse off,and he is helping me live my dreams.



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